Once you have identified the sort of things you wish to get out of life, you will then need to create a plan of action that helps you achieve your goals and personal desires. Once you have written down a tentative plan on how to go about accomplishing your goals, you will need focus in order to stay on the path towards your shining glory and rewards. After setting goals, you need to manage these pursuits, as well as maintain motivation through an effective plan of action.Throughout society, the pressure to stay thin, maintain an attractive appearance and exhibit a perfect picture of health, as well as continue fitness goals are common personal goals. In this day and age, sticking to health and fitness goals are pretty hard with all of the enticing restaurants lining the streets of even the smallest of cities. Exercising often takes a backseat to the other goals you have set for yourself, such as getting that raise at work or finally sealing the deal on your first home.Eating on the run as you race to pick up the kids from soccer practice or shop for weekly groceries becomes a common habit for those who feel they cannot take the time to prepare a well-balanced meal. Finding the time to stick to health and fitness goals is becoming an increasingly hard task to accomplish in many households, which not only affects adults, but also trickles down to their children. What kind of example are you setting for the little ones looking up to you?Whether you are forced to focus on health and fitness goals because your doctor has suggested it or you are unhappy with your appearance, finding the time to devote to this life-changing goal will prove highly beneficial in the long run. One of the first things you should decide upon when entering this personal challenge is why you wish to pursue any health and fitness goals you may have set for yourself.Knowing why you want to tackle these goals will better help you achieve these desires. For some, improving their appearance is ranked number one, while others wish to lose weight for a specific reason. Athletes set health and fitness goals to increase their flexibility, physical skills and strength, as well as endurance. When achieving these goals, more than just a better body and physique is obtained, confidence is built and a renewed sense of mental and emotional health is felt.How to Set Realistic Health and Fitness GoalsOne of the most important aspects of achieving health and fitness goals is setting realistic goals, which usually involves focusing on reasonable time frames (in regards to seeing results). If you expect to reach your high school weight in a month, this is highly unlikely. If you believe you can increase your benching weight from 100 pounds to 300 pounds in one week, you are seriously mistaken. Setting realistic health and fitness goals increases your chances of completing the milestones you wish to achieve.Take weight-loss goals, endurance goals and speed goals one step at a time. You won’t become a speed demon overnight and you can’t squeeze into a dress three sizes smaller after one day of working out. Achieving health and fitness goals takes time and you need to be willing to give as much as you wish to get out of the process.Record Keeping HelpsWhen you write down personal health and fitness goals on paper, they become a real mission to accomplish. Jot down smaller goals, such as run on the treadmill for 30 minutes straight without stopping or leave the sweets alone during the weekdays. Once you accomplish these smaller tasks, you might be well on your way to losing 10-15 pounds during the winter season. Crossing out each goal you’ve achieved is also a great way to keep motivated.Don’t Get DiscouragedAccomplishing health and fitness goals can be a frustrating journey, but with a positive attitude, patience and persistence, you will see results even if they don’t come in time for the high school reunion.
Senior Employment Can Be A Golden Prize!
Do you want senior employment? Are you 50 years of age or older and hoping and praying to land a job?Whatever your motivation to find work is, welcome to a labor market seemingly tilted against senior employment seekers. But take heart! Golden opportunities now abound for senior job seekers and the ball is in their court. There’s great news for you and dire warnings for all the critics.Newspapers trumpet headlines about seniors unable to get even minimum pay jobs. Employment fairs advertise work for anyone breathing, but they’re generally low paying $10-$12 openings. The young people staffing the application desks at these fairs seem to be mentally jotting down your age when you ask for a sign up sheet.Why is this good news? Because contrary to appearances, The United States is on the brink of an incredible labor shortage. Well respected economists predict a huge labor shortage that is making itself felt even at this moment in time. How big a labor shortfall is looming on the horizon? Some estimates run as high as 10 million unfilled positions by the year 2010.Millions of senior employees are rapidly nearing retirement. At the same time fewer and fewer younger people are coming of age to fill the vacuum. Many astute business executives of today are growing keenly aware of the worker shortfall on the horizon.Even Congress is now taking notice of the coming labor shortage. Legislation is being discussed now to provide tax credits to companies opening up flexible senior employment work schedules.All for senior employees 62 years of age or older. The icing on the cake is that health and pension benefits will be included. Be optimistic if you’re an individual seeking senior employment! With a little homework, preparation and a small dash of creativity, you can get excellent work for yourself right now.Don’t be surprised at all the opportunities out there. You’ll discover that there are a lot of options for you to choose from, more than you ever dreamed of. You won’t have to settle for just any old job that’s offered. Take out a piece of paper right now and begin jotting down a list of jobs you’d like to have. And please underline the word like. Along with it, write out your work experience and what you want to do. If you’re a senior employment seeker, then you’ve earned a lot of experience in many different areas over the years.Don’t forget to put in your hobbies too! You’d be surprised at what things like fishing and bowling can add to your job description. And this is a campaign just as important as any battle waged by the general of an army.Do you like reading about sports and politics? Add those to the mix too! Now, when you’ve finished the list decide what type of jobs you’d like to have. No matter how far afield from what you’ve worked at in the past. Meditate about it until you come up with several possibilities. And remember, the sky’s the limit.When you’ve decided on a few jobs you’d be happy doing, research the businesses that offer senior employment. Then call them and get the names of the managers that do the hiring.Finally, make out a brief resume of your work history. Now is where creativity comes into the picture. Compose a short, single page cover letter. Make it brief, and don’t just rehash the things you listed in your resume.On the cover letter, itemize what you’ve done to warrant hiring you for the position you want.Be truthful, but tell them what you can do to fulfill the job’s bottom line. You’ll be surprised, because the cover letter is often the deciding factor in hiring.When you’ve finished, make a personal visit to the business and ask to see the hiring manager. It’s a good idea to call first and make an appointment if possible. But don’t hesitate to make an unannounced visit if needed though. Whatever the outcome of the meeting, leave a copy of your resume and cover letter.Within the next three days, if you haven’t heard back from the hiring manager, call on the phone and ask for him/her. The follow up phone call will demonstrate your desire for the job. Most personnel specialists agree that this course of action is one of the most effective methods to acquire senior employment. Even if the company isn’t advertising an opening, it can often lead to a job in an anticipated opening in the future.So, don’t figure the only job you can get is flipping burgers or packing groceries. You have talents and experience that companies are hungry for now, and you’re valuable. As a person seeking senior employment, you also come equipped with an old fashioned work ethic not in over abundance in today’s workplace.Pick out the type of work you want to do…and go for it!Be assured, the national and local labor markets now realize that being a senior employment applicant carries with it added experience, talent and knowledge.
Fitness Tips for Better Results
The better your plan the better your results. If you take a rush at the problem you can do more harm than good. Our aim is to get fit and stay fit. The number one reason that people fail is that they go full speed into changing their diet and getting to the gym and quickly burn out. If you rush into a get fit and healthy regime and the results are not instant you can become dispirited and slip back into your old ways.
You are going to have to clean up your diet and, although this is essential, don’t go crazy. There is time enough later to count calories and regulate the balance between carbohydrates and proteins. For now eat healthy non-processed foods.
Next you have to confirm your goals. This will determine the actions that you must make and the decisions that you take. Many of us start with just wanting to feel good by looking good. By looking good we usually mean getting a beach body. You know, gaining some muscular definition, or looking “ripped” as they say.
Stay regular but start small. You will need to do weight training three to four times per week and cardio three times per week. Keep the weights light but the repetitions fairly high and alternate between upper and lower body on different days. Limit the cardio to twenty minutes for the first few weeks. Do the cardio after, but on the same day as the weight training.
Continue your dietary improvements and as your body becomes used to the changes you will notice a remarkable change in your feeling of fitness and well-being. As for the training, resist the temptation to increase the amount of weights too soon. Once you can visibly notice the improvement is the time to increase the repetitions and the amount of weight alternatively.
Although you started with the goal of looking ripped, it is perfectly normal to start considering the other two goals that usually occur. They are gaining strength and gaining size. It is not necessary to wait for months on your first goal before changing your routine.
Introducing some strength training will mean heavier weights at fewer repetitions. This will necessitate an increase in the food intake to fuel the increase in effort and to feed the growth of muscle. This is also the case for building bulk. Many students find that they get the most benefit by alternating every few months.
In all cases a steady increase in work rate produces the maximum reward.